Traveling with a cat

Traveling with a cat
Our first RV trip with Mikey ended up costing us some serious lesson's learned. We typically travel with Mikey in the truck with us. For some reason, we thought we would put him in the bunk house and he would be fine and just sleep on the bed. Boy were we wrong. A couple hours into the drive, we pulled over and checked on him and took a bathroom break. As I climbed up onto the bunk to pet him, I noticed something horribly wrong with his snout. He some how yanked his canine forward so it was pointing straight forward, not down. No blood. He just calmly sat there and looked at me. My heart sank for him because he had to be in a ton of pain and we were in the middle of nowhere Nevada. I started making calls as soon as we had service and the nearest emergency vet hospital that was open on this Saturday was in Elko... 3 hours away. We took him into Elko Veterinary Clinic and they performed oral surgery on him, removing the canine. We spent a total of 5 hours at the Wal-Mart parking lot waiting for Mikey. I have never felt more like a horrible cat mom than I did that day. After that, we put him back in the truck with us and that is where he rides with us every time! If you are ever in the Elko area needing veterinary needs.. I couldn't recommend Elko Vet Clinic enough! They were fantastic!
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